Episode: 06 Morningbath

Morningbath — married couple Brandon and Julianna — welcomed us into their North Charlotte home. The in-laws provided childcare for their two young daughters while we recorded in the cozy basement apartment.

The Berg’s relationship was born out of a serendipitous ‘pandemic romance’. The couple honed their musical connection on a hazy porch in Davidson, NC and recorded demos between Mad Men episodes.

As the only couple of the season, Brandon and Julianna deliver harmonies and unspoken chemistry in their song selections. Both have a deep love for the music that defined their childhoods; and the music they will offer to their children.

Enjoy Episode: 06 Morningbath


‘Morningbath is an acoustic singer-songwriter duo from North Carolina. Their sound has been described as 70s folk-rock meets dreamy bedroom-pop with a bit of 90s influence. This combination blossoms in fun originals and hand-picked covers, offering an array of calming tones and upbeat songs for which to shake-a-leg. For the diverse music lover, Morningbath is an excellent way to appreciate some old favorites while discovering new sounds.’ — Instagram


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