Episode: 09 Erin Williams Banks

Erin Williams Banks invited us into her rustic home near downtown Boone, NC on a crisp winter morning. While her husband worked and her kids were at school, the peaceful home had all the signs of family life and artistry. Half-finished paintings lay on the dining table and musical instruments were a scattered throughout the living areas.

Erin shared her deep love for southern culture and a fiery desire for justice and truth. Her music is steeped in family history, legacy and her beloved homeland. We shared laughs and followed rabbit trails in conversation; and left feeling charmed by Erin’s sincerity — felt in her performances and storytelling.

Enjoy Episode: 09 Erin Williams Banks


‘Erin Williams Banks grew up in a little town called Lyons, Georgia. She has been writing music for over 30 years. In the beginning she would sing on dirt roads from the back of a horse. Now she sings with the rivers that wind through the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. She writes from the heart and gets a little too close for comfort to the truth about the south and her own story. Her newest album comes out September, 2023. The songs tell stories about love, loss, and heartache. The fabric she has patched together and wears proudly is great grandmother's autoharp, grandma's humming in the kitchen, and the whirring of a hummingbird's green wings. Slowly but surely the spider weaves her web overnight and ties up loose ends just before the morning light. This is her greatest work. Her legacy.’ — Spotify


Episode: 10 BEKI


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