Episode: 10 BEKI

BEKI, Ike Byers, invited us into his Charlotte apartment he shares with his wife & friendly cat, Suki. We recorded in his cozy upstairs studio space where he was joined by collaborator, Matthew Deluz. Ike’s home studio felt humble for his larger than life performances — full of contagious enthusiasm.

BEKI exemplifies the confidence and style of the young work-from-home producer. Native to technology, with a streaming camera on standby, Ike has a seemingly natural comfort with musical genre-bending. We’ve been fans of Ike’s work for several years now — and we can’t wait to see where he’s headed.

Enjoy Episode: 10 BEKI


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes’ — Spotify


Episode: 11 John Lucas


Episode: 09 Erin Williams Banks