Episode: 03 Ethan Nathaniel

Ethan Nathaniel welcomed us into his quiet East Charlotte home that he shares with his wife, son, and cat (present at filming). Ethan records in his home studio, that he shares 50/50 with wife and streetwear designer, Margaret Burton.

Ethan brings a wealth of musical experience to his songwriting and production — as he records all the parts himself. He blessed us with, not only delicious Aeropress coffee, but delicately restrained versions of some of his most popular songs. Be on the lookout for Ethan in a theater near you.

Enjoy Episode: 03 Ethan Nathaniel


‘Ethan Nathaniel is a multi-instrumentalist singer/songwriter based in Charlotte, NC.’

— Spotify


Episode: 04 Emily Sage


Episode: 02 Tré Ahmad